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La fausse petite amie

One Year Later

“Why?” I moaned unhappily while wiping sweat off my brow. “Why do we have to do this?”
“Ditto,” Landon huffed behind me.
Austin, who was up ahead, turned around and frowned. “I don’t understand why y’all are so unhappy. I told you what we were doing today.”
“No,” I snapped. “You said we were doing something fun that we did last time we were in Jamaica!”
Austin held up a finger. “I said something fun I did last time. It’s not my fault you didn’t know I was referring to the death march hike you signed me up for.”
“This isn’t the definition of fun,” Theo complained in the back.
Austin smiled widely. “It’s fun for me.”
“I can’t believe you’re getting revenge after a year,” I muttered as we continued hiking up the mountain into the center of the Jamaican island. “I was hoping you meant we would do something sexy today.”
“We had plenty of sexy fun last night,” Austin replied.
“Fuck yeah we did!” Theo chimed in.
We continued along the winding jungle path for another hour before reaching the overlook at the top. We had a sweeping view of the island in all directions, including to the north where our resort and the ocean were. There was a nice breeze up here, too. I had to admit that it was beautiful.
“Admit it,” Austin told me. “You’re thinking about how beautiful this is.”
“No,” I replied stubbornly.
Austin grinned like was reading my mind.
“Beer o’clock,” Theo said, sliding his pack off his shoulder and opening the zipper. “And lunchtime.”
We drank cold beers and ate our sandwiches while admiring the view. Theo teased Austin about being in better shape this time around. Landon complained about a blister on his heel.
“At least you’re not wearing sandals,” Austin pointed out. “Unlike me last year.”
“I should have known you would do this to us,” Landon murmured.
“I’m not doing it to you. I’m doing it with you,” Austin argued. “A year ago, you made me do this hike with four other tourists I didn’t know.”
“I’m just happy the return trip is all downhill!” Theo said cheerfully.
I smiled while they teased each other. I couldn’t believe a year had passed already. It still felt like a few weeks ago when we all came here on Bradyn and Marisa’s honeymoon.
The year had been full of excitement and fun. I dated each of the guys individually at first, single dates that always left two men out. Then we started doing the occasional group dates, with three and sometimes all four of us. Then we were hanging out as a group, whether we were on a date or not. By the time Halloween rolled around, we were meeting at Landon’s apartment every evening after work to hang out.
From that point onward, we were pretty much an inseparable unit. A four-person relationship that, against all odds, somehow worked.
Landon, Theo, and Austin became best friends too. They hung out even when I wasn’t there; they’d gone to a lot of Bears and Bulls games without me. Which, honestly, made my heart sing. I had three boyfriends, and they got along as well with each other as they did with me. Honestly, that was probably the main reason this whole crazy polyamorous relationship worked.
I never knew I could be so happy.
Jack thought it was weird, and teased me about it every chance he got. Like, literally every single day. But all joking aside, he accepted our relationship. “Hey, good for you,” he said one day at lunch. “I wish I were dating three super hot women at the same time. You’re living the dream.”
I still hadn’t told my parents. They knew I was dating someone, but I had been intentionally vague and avoided the subject whenever possible. But we were coming to the point where I couldn’t hide it from them much longer. They were coming to Chicago next month to visit, and I knew they would insist on meeting my boyfriend.
Here’s the thing that gave me hope: my parents were incredibly accepting individuals. When Jack was a teenager they thought he was gay, and spent two years dropping subtle hints that they would love him no matter what. When he finally realized what they were doing and loudly told them that he liked girls, my dad said, “It’s okay, son! You can be bisexual!”
So deep down, I thought they would be happy for me. But I was still incredibly nervous about the eventual meeting.
For now, I was happy, and that’s what mattered the most.
The hike back to the seaside resort was a lot easier than the hike uphill. We showered, changed, and went to dinner. The manager of the resort was at the restaurant we chose, and whispered something in the hostess’s ear. We were then led to the best table in the restaurant, on the balcony overlooking the ocean.
“He’s still embarrassed that you got drugged here last year,” Austin pointed out.
I smiled. “If it means superstar treatment during our stay, then I don’t mind.”
After a wonderful seafood dinner, we took a walk on the beach together, eventually plopping down on the sand in a secluded area to watch the sunset. Theo pulled out a joint, lit it, and then passed it around. Within minutes, we were all as baked as the fish that was served at dinner.
My phone chimed. I had an email. I felt my pulse race as I checked—it was from my boss, the judge.
“Everything okay?” Landon asked, a concerned frown on his face.
“Yeah, I was just CC’d on an email,” I replied.
“I would suggest waiting to reply to it until you’re sober,” Theo said.
I turned my phone off and put it away. “I don’t need to reply at all. The judge is great; she understands the importance of work-life balance. The other clerks are handling it.”
“Then why did she CC you at all?” Austin asked.
“Because,” I replied with a silly grin, “I’m the favorite. She wants me in the loop on everything. We actually had my one-year performance review last week, and she brought up the possibility of me becoming a judge when a slot on the Seventh Circuit opens up.”
All three men sat up a little straighter in the sand.
“Seriously? A judge?” Landon asked.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Theo demanded.
“She only mentioned it last week,” I replied. “And I didn’t want to jinx it by putting the idea out in the universe.”
“Then why mention it now?” Austin asked.
I accepted the joint from Theo and pointed at it. “Because I’m incredibly stoned right now and have no filter.”
“Quick,” Landon said. “Let’s ask her who’s the best lover.”
“Don’t ask questions if you’re not prepared for the answer,” Theo said with a wink.
“Well, since you have no filter,” Austin said slowly, “have you thought any more about kids?”
Everyone grew quiet. That topic was a lot more real than we were all prepared for.
“We don’t have to do this now…” Theo said.
“I have thought about it,” I revealed. “I’m more open to the idea now than I was a year ago.”
Landon blinked. “Really?”
“Really?” Theo echoed, eyes widening with excitement.
I shrugged. “A year ago, when I was single, the idea of having kids was terrifying. I was afraid they would consume my life. Hold me back, keep me from doing everything I want in life.”
“And somehow that has changed?” Austin asked.
“Yes!” I insisted. “Taking care of a child is tough with two parents. But with three, or four? If all of us raise a child together? It’s half as much work.”
Theo agreed, nodded enthusiastically. “That’s just basic math.”
“I’m not a hundred percent sold on the idea,” I clarified. “But I’m warming up to it.”
“I’ll take it!” Theo said. “Can you imagine a little me running around?”
“Or a little Landon,” Landon said.
Austin leaned back in the sand. “I reckon a little Austin would get into all sorts of trouble. Good trouble, mind you.”
“Who says it’ll be a little boy?” I asked. “What about a little girl?”
“No way,” Landon said immediately. “We’d have boys.”
Austin pointed. “I’d love to see Theo with a little girl. She’d have you wrapped around her little finger.”
Theo spread his hands. “I’d have tea parties and let her braid my hair for sure. And then I’d make sure she’s interested in STEM. I bet I can find a Dentist Barbie.”
“In several years,” Landon said.
“Right. Several years,” I agreed. “Then maybe we can talk about trying.”
“Although the way you love to have sex,” Austin pointed out, “isn’t conducive to impregnating a woman.”
Theo gasped. “Fuck. You mean I’ve been coming in the wrong hole all this time?”
The four of us roared with laughter.
“I’m starving,” I said.
Landon snorted. “We just had dinner.”
“Yes, but what about second dinner? And dessert?” I asked.
“I’m down for room service,” Theo said. “But you can only order one thing. Maybe two if you share.”
“What! Why?” I demanded. “It’s all free.”
“Because if you eat too much,” Theo explained, “you’ll be too full for sex.”
I crawled across the sand until I was on my hands and knees in front of him. “Trust me. I will not be too full for sex tonight.”
Theo arched an eyebrow. “I’m listening.”
“I thought I was pretty clear. I want to have sex tonight. With all three of you.”
“Eh, I’m not feeling it tonight,” Austin said. “I think I’m going to play in the pool and look for a random couple who is trying to find a third for their threesome.”
I kicked sand at him. “Too soon, dude!”
“It’s been a year!” he argued.
The four of us laughed, and joked, and shared in our happiness on the beach as the sun set behind us.


New Release:
Neighbors With Benefits

It’s a bad idea to hook up with the three guys next door.
No matter how tall, handsome, and charismatic they might be.
But when I move in next to Aiden, Sebastian, and Dante?
Nobody’s willpower is that strong.

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